Brooklyn Class
BROOKLYN CLASS, of the New York Branch, is now dancing in their regular venue at the Homecrest Presbyterian Church, 1413 Ave T, Brooklyn, at East 15th Street. That is one block north of the Q-line Ave U subway stop. The church requires all participants to have completed their COVID inoculations at least 3 weeks before their appearance. We must bring proof of inoculation, must wear masks, and cannot have food, so bring your water bottle. If you want to join, email David Goldberg at DEGOLDBERG64@gmail.com. Please include the date of the session, and your level of ability. If some emergency arises, please email David ASAP as he might have to notify the others who have applied that the session is cancelled. There is parking in the area. Enter through the driveway gate and the main entrance. Goldberg - 516-526-6528 (Please do not leave messages on this phone.)
Tuesdays, 7:30pm.
Homecrest Presbyterian Church, 1413 Ave T, Brooklyn.
Please enter through the driveway gate and the front door.
The class starts at 7:30, but the building opens at 7:00 (traffic permitting).